FAQs and expert advice about celebrant

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your London Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Exchanging Vows

Exchanging Vows

Q We're after a memorable celebrant-led wedding; what advice can you share?
A Zena Birch says: The most important thing when planning your celebrant-led wedding is choosing the right supplier who fits with you. Your ceremony should be the most fun and rewarding part of your wedding, and the work you'll do with your celebrant in the lead-up will last long after the day itself. Ensure you find a person you connect with, laugh with and trust. Then, you can enjoy the special day yourselves!

Your celebrant will want to get to know you to create a unique ceremony filled with what is important to you both, so let them. Go out for a drink with the supplier, but don't be self-editorial in what you share with them. Let them into your lives so they can learn your idiosyncrasies, stories, as well as who and what is important to you. In return, you'll get an unforgettable ceremony for you and guests. The joy will spill out into the rest of your day and make everything seem slightly more important, heightened and filled with magic.

Zena Birch, Zena Birch weddings



Q What are the key wedding trends for 2022 and how are couples planning their weddings differently this year?
A Jennifer Patrice says: The trend of having celebrant-led weddings will continue to rise in 2022, as it did in 2021, with couples now recognising that they have so much more choice and can have the ceremony that's not generic. More and more couples want a bespoke ceremony, one where there's no content or venue restrictions and - most importantly - one that's completely personal and tells their love story. I take the time to get to know my couples, which makes it all the more special. Celebrant-led weddings can be held anywhere, at any time, indoors or outdoors and couples can have the usual elements such as a bridal party, vows – we encourage and support them to write their own or traditional vows, the ring exchange, readings and signing of a symbolic certificate. Added to this they can have elements like a sand pouring, unity candle (where the venue permits real candles if indoors), rose ceremony, cocktail or wine blending or what about a champagne toast to cheers the couple at the end of the ceremony, the list is endless.

Jennifer Patrice, Jennifer Patrice - Celebrant

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